Located at the core of The University of Sydney campus, this redevelopment project seeks to harmonize the iconic with the humble, as well as the collective community with individuality.
The architectural design aims to establish a timeless and distinctive campus gateway while honoring the site’s culture, history, and environment. This initiative provides an architectural solution to cultivate a diverse and dynamic student community that fosters interaction and cultural representation while prioritizing individual privacy, safety, and well-being.

The Site
Bounded by City Road and Maze Crescent, the project is located at a corner site interfacing with multiple cultural and educational facilities. The proposal is to demolish the existing International House building on the site and to redevelop into a new 500 bed best practice student accommodation building.
The building envelope and form is designed taking into consideration the future redevelopment of the Wilkinson Building site adjacent, the Seymour Centre redevelopment, and potential redesign of the eastern entry to Cadigal Green from Cleveland Street.